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Update certificate logos and details

You can update your company or association details for any of your certificates either individually or in bulk.

Updating and replacing

The company and engineer details are stored with the certificate itself. If you change your company or an engineer's details when you're in the middle of a certificate, then you need to update the certificate with these new details. Sometimes, you may want to completely replace all the company or engineer details in a certificate.

Pirform lets you do both of those things easily. Just bear in mind that updating only changes details of the same company or engineer, whereas replacing will set completely new values for the certificate. You do both of these from the Certificate Options Dialog. To open the Certificate Options Dialog, click File then Certificate Options. The dialog looks like this:

Certificate Options Dialog showing sections to update or replace company and engineer details

Changing a single certificate

To update an individual certificate, open the certificate and then click File | Certificate Options to open the Certificate Options dialog:

At the bottom of the dialog you will see three buttons that relate to the company and engineer detials. These let you do the following:

These buttons will let you select and update the company and association logos for the certificate from any logo file on your computer.

Update company and engineer details

This button will update the company and association logos, company details, engineer signatures and other engineer details such as instruments for the certificate based on the current company and engineer settings. Then click OK and then save the certificate to keep the changes

Dialog screenshot showing options to update company and engineer details

Change company address

You can enter a different company address and other details for the certificate into the areas shown below, then click OK and then save the certificate to keep the changes.

Dialog screenshot displaying fields for updating the company address

Other details such as telephone and association numbers are available in the next tab:

Tab displaying options to update telephone and other association numbers

Replacing engineers

To replace the engineer or company in a cert, use the section titled Replace Company and Engineers towards the bottom of the Certificate Options Dialog. When replacing an engineer you can select the engineer to use in the certificate.

To replace an engineer, you tell the program what types of engineer should be replaced by selecting from the options next to the word Replace:

Dialog showing options to replace engineer details in the certificate

Once you have selected the type and the engineer you'll be asked to confirm:

Confirmation dialog asking to confirm engineer replacement in the certificate

If you are replacing the main inspection engineer then you will be able to choose whether you want to replace the board's engineers.

Once you've clicked Yes, the company or engineer details will be replaced and you can return to the certificate to view the changes. Note that the changes will not be saved until you click Save on the certificate itself.

Replacing companies

To replace the company in a cert, use the section titled Replace Company and Engineers towards the bottom of the Certificate Options Dialog. When replacing a company the current company details from the Home Screen are used.

Replacing companies is similar to replacing engineers. If you replace the inspection company then you will have the option to replace the company and association logos at the same time:

Dialog with options to replace company details including logos

Changing certificates in bulk

You can also update the the company and association logos, company details, engineer signatures and engineer details for all your certificates in one go. You can choose whether to update only certificates that are not marked as completed or whether to update all certificates. Note that archived or certificates in the Pirform Recycle Bin are not affected.

To do this, go to the Company and Instruments section in the Home Screen and click on Update Certificate Details in the ribbon:

Button to update certificate details for company and engineers in bulk

You will then be asked to confirm the action and you can choose whether to update even certificates that you have marked as completed:

Confirmation dialog asking whether to update certificates including completed ones

After you click Yes Pirform will update all your certificates.