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Send your log file

If Pirform is running on your computer, then you can get it to send your log files over automatically. If it's not running then you will need to download our Support Tool and then attach the log file to an email. Please follow the relevant section below to send us your log file.

Pirform is running

If Pirform runs on the computer, you can send your log files directly from the Home Screen by right-clicking over the status bar at the bottom and selecting Send log file to Pirform Support:

Home screen status bar menu showing the option to send log file to Pirform Support

Alternatively, you can send the log file from Pirform Options. To do that, click File and then Pirform Options and go to the Support section and click Send Log File:

Pirform Options Support section with the Send Log File button highlighted

If Pirform was not able to connect to the internet to send the error report (such as when your firewall is preventing Pirform from accessing the internet) then please follow the instructions in the next section to send us your log file.

Pirform is not running

If Pirform will not start on your computer, then you you can use our support tool to generate the logs. First download and install the Pirform Support Tool from the following link:

Download and run the installer for the Pirform Support Tool from the following link:

Then click button at the top left marked Package Log File:

Support Tool interface showing the Package Log File button in the top left

This will package up your log file and put it into a folder on your desktop called Pirform_Support and it will open that folder to show you the log file:

File Explorer showing the Pirform_Support folder containing the log file

Just attach that file to an email and send it to

Alternative: find the log file using File Explorer

You can also use File Explorer (which used to be called "Windows Explorer") to find the log file. To open File Explorer click on the folder icon on the taskbar or press the Windows key and E together.

When the File Explorer is open, type or copy/paste the following into the address bar and press Enter on your keyboard to open the :


Windows Explorer with %appdata%\pirform\pirform\log typed into the address bar

This will take you to the logs folder where you'll find one or more files whose name starts with pirform. Attach those to an email and send it to

Log folder in Windows Explorer showing one or more files starting with pirform