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Moving to a new computer

To move Pirform to a new computer you will need to move the licence from the old computer to the new one and you may also wish to move your certificates over too.

When you move your Pirform licence to another computer you will:

When you move your certificates to another computer you will:


If you don't have access to the old computer, you will need to find the last backup file. You can read how to do that here.

Follow the steps below to move your licence and certificates from one computer to another.

Take a backup of your certificates

Take a backup of your certificates by clicking Backup Data in the Home Screen. Full instructions are here:

How to create a new backup

Pirform will create a new backup file. Copy this file to the new computer so that you can use it later to restore the certificates that are in it.

Backup file saved on disk, highlighted with a red box.

Deactivate your licence

Deactivating the licence on the old computer makes it possible to use that licence on the new computer.


After you deactivate your licence Pirform will run in "safe mode". You won't be able to create or change any certificvates but you can still do things like taking a backup again or accessing a PDF. Read more here.

To deactivate your licence open Pirform, click File and then Pirform Options, go to the Support section and click Deactivate Licence as shown below:

Pirform Options window showing the location of the Deactivate Licence button.

You will be asked to confirm the deactivation (twice!):

Confirmation prompts for deactivating the licence in Pirform.

After which Pirform will confirm that the licence has been deactivated and will close.

Confirmation that the licence has been successfully deactivated.

After deactivating, the deactivated licence will be sent to the email address that is against the licence in your Licence Manager

Install Pirform

Download and install the latest version of Pirform from our website here:

You will likely need to unblock your licence - read more about installing Pirform here.

Activate the licence

The deactivated licence was sent to the email address that is against the licence in your Licence Manager.

Email with the deactivated licence file attached.


Make sure to use the most recent licence that you were sent just after deactivating. Licence files from older emails will not work.

On the new computer, save the licence file that was attached to that email to your Desktop and then close and re-open Pirform (see here for how to save file attachments). Pirform will detect and apply the licence file and you will see that the licence file has been removed from your Desktop.

When Pirform starts it will prompt you to activate the licence. Click Activate now to activate the licence (your computer needs to be connected to the internet):

Pirform activation window prompting to activate the licence.

After the licence has been activated Pirform will restart to apply the changes:

Notification that the licence has been activated and Pirform will restart.

Restore certificates from a backup


Restoring from a backup will OVERWRITE ALL THE CERTIFICATES ON THE COMPUTER. If have any certificates that you want to keep, export those before proceeding.

To restore from a backup of your certificates click on Restore Certificate Data in the Home Screen:

Pirform Home Screen with the Restore Certificate Data button highlighted.

Select the backup file that you copied to the new computer:

File selection dialog to choose a backup file for restoring certificates.

Remember that restoring from a backup will OVERWRITE ALL THE CERTIFICATES ON THE COMPUTER, the next step is to confirm that you really want to restore the certificates:

Confirmation dialog for restoring certificates from a backup.

Pirform will restore the backup (which might take a little time), after which you will see a confirmation that the backup has been restored:

Notification indicating that the certificate restore process is complete.