Getting started
Welcome! The sections below will help you get started with Pirform. You can also contact our help desk if you need any further assistance. Also, use the search box at the top right to help you find things.
Free Trial
There is a free 30-day trial available to help you evaluate Pirform.
Shine Forms YouTube Channel
Watch out videos about Pirform on our Shine Forms YouTube Channel.
First steps
Read these articles to find how to install Pirform, set up your company and create and save your first certificate.
- Installing Pirform
- Applying your licence
- Set up your company and engineers
- Creating a new certificates
- Saving to PDF (including how to generate circuit charts)
Working with certificates
These articles show areas you can use when working in a certificate.
- Using the Board Manager
- Working with observations and limiations
- Working with boards and circuits
- Working with the inspection schedule
- Attaching photos to observations
- Attaching other documents as appendices
- Checking your spelling
Understanding backups
Understand how you can keep your certificates safe and where they are stored on your computer.
Working with others
Pirform makes it easy to work with other engineers. Get started by reading about these features.
- Sharing certificates using export files
- Merging boards and observations from other engineers into another certificate
If you are setting up or managing Pirform for a number of users, these articles and sections will be useful:
- Sharing company details across machines
- Manage licences for multiple engineers
- How to set up online backup and sharing
Changing options and settings
Pirform has a lot of options that allow you to customise and change how it works.
Stay in touch
When Pirform starts up, you see the Start Page. This shows you your recently opened certificates and a summary of our blog. Keep an eye on the blog section for any new articles and announcements;
Tips for working in Pirform
Here are some sections that will help working in Pirform.