Free 30-Day trail
Pirform runs on Windows
Pirform runs on Windows and you can find our system requirements here.
Use Pirform on a Mac
If you want to use Pirform on a Mac, you can do that using the fabulous Parallels to let you run Windows software on your Mac.
If you haven't already bought a licence, then you can just go ahead with our free 30-day trial. To do that, just download and install Pirform and it will start your free 30-day, fully functional trial.
During the trial all the features of Pirform work as they will with a licensed version, but PDFs will carry a watermark. If you later purchase a licence then that watermark will be removed from any certificates you have create during the trial.
To start your free 30-day trial just click the link below to download the latest installer.
Purchase from our online store
When you are ready to purchase a licence, you can read about doing that here.