Backup find missing

Pirform is installed on your computer and stores all your certificates and backups on your computer.

Use online backup services

Pirform can work with online backup services like OneDrive, Dropbox, or Google Drive to store your certificate backups online. This means your certificates will be safe even if your computer is lost or damaged. Read how to set that up here.

If you have set up Pirform to use [online storage like OneDrive, Dropbox, Google Drive}(, or similar, you can find your last backup file there. The same applies if you use another backup method such as an external hard disk or USB key to take backups. To find them, search for *.bak; the time and date the backup was taken is in the filename in reverse order. For example:


If none of these apply, then you can take the old computer to a computer repair shop for the files to be recovered from the old hard disk. This can often be done even if the computer does not start.